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| SIC code 2835 NAICS code 325413
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Products : US manufacturer of In-Vitro rapid diagnostic devices designed for the detection of Drugs of Abuse, Fertility, Cardiac markers, Cancer markers and Infectious diseases.
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| SIC code 2836 NAICS code 325414
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Products : Bioinformatics, Bioprocess, Cell Culture, Tissue Culture, Enzymology, Gene Amplification, Genomics, High Throughput Drug Screening, Peptide Isolation, Peptide Synthesis, Pharmacogenomics, Purification, Separations, Recombinant DNA, Sequencing, Synthesis
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| SIC code 2819 NAICS code 325188
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Products : Proteomics, Agriculture, Chemilumincscence, Genetic Analysis, Molecular Diagnostics, PCR Enzymes, Protein & Peptides, Microbial Identification, Nucleic Acid Synthesis, Custom Oligonucleotide Synthesis Service, Thermal Cyclers, Online Shopping
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| SIC code 2835 NAICS code 2835
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Products : Blood Analysis,Blood Gases Reagents, Diagnostic Reagents, Prescription Drugs, Glucometer, N-Neostix�, Clinitek� High-Speed Urine Analyzers, ADVIA� LabCell,
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| SIC code 3826 NAICS code 334516
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Products : Immunocytometry Systems, Medical Diagnostic Instruments, FastImmune Cytokine System, DNA Quality Control Particles, Platelet Reagents, Progenitor Cell Reagents, Cytoskeletal Reagents, Flow Cytometry Systems, Mechanical Disaggregation Systems
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| SIC code 3841 NAICS code 339112
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Products : Biomedical Diagnostic Equipment, Flow & Cytometry, Hematology, Prostate, PSA, Bioresearch, Centrifuration, Hemostasis, Immunodiagnostics, Disease Management, Primary Care, Immunomics, Capillary Electrophoresis, DNA Synthesis, Rapid Test Kits, Reagents
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| SIC code 3826 NAICS code 334516
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Products : Manufactures and distributes products for a wide range of technologies including proteomics, real time PCR, electrophoresis, imaging, immunoassay, food/ animal /environment tesing, blood virus and detection, autoimmune and genetic disorders testing
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| SIC code 3841 NAICS code 325413
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Products : In Vitro Diagnostic Substance, Industrial Inorganic Chemicals, Physicians & Surgeons Equipment, Aggregation Systems, Coagulation Systems, Microfiltration, Coagulation Reagents & Controls, Quantitative Kinetic Fibrinogen Assay, Coagulation Supplies.
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| SIC code 2834 NAICS code 325412
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Products : Pharmaceuticals & Diagnostic Kits, Multiple Sclerosis Medicines, Avonex, Amevive, Andenosine A1, Antaongonist, Antova, Hedgehog Proteins, VLA - 4 Inhibitor, LT Beta Receptor, Gene Therapy
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| SIC code 3679 NAICS code 334419
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Products : Hydro Thermablator, Hysterectomy, Menstrual Bleeding, Endometrial Ablation, Gynecological Diagnostic, Therapeutic Equipment, Women's Health, Uterine Bleeding
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| SIC code 2835 NAICS code 325412
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Products : Distributors of Radiopharmaceuticals Medical Imaging, Nuclear Medicine Products, Develop, Manufacture, Package & Market Products for Patient Care, Develop Drug-delivery Technolgies, Distribute Pharmaceuticals, Medical-Surgical & Laboratory Supplies
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| SIC code 2836 NAICS code 325414
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Products : Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Environmental Science & all other Maths & Science Supplies for Educators
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| SIC code 8731 NAICS code 54171
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Products : Immunology Services, Primary Antibodies, Medical Device Testing, Polyclonal Antibody Production, Hybridoma Development, Ascites Production, Immunochemistry Services.
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| SIC code 2835 NAICS code 325412
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Products : Medical Test Kits, Random Access Chemiluminescent, EIA Microplate Assays, Allergy Immunoassay System, Infectious Disease Assays, Immulite, DPC
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| SIC code 2835 NAICS code 325413
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Products : Diagnostic Biological Chemicals, BioProbe �, Nick Translation DNA Labeling Systems, Deoxynucleotide Packs, Translation Reagent Packs, MaxSenseTM, Membrane Hybridization Systems, Detection Systems for DNA and RNA Probes, Signal Generating Systems
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| SIC code 2835 NAICS code 325413
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Products : In Vitro Diagnostic Test Systems, Enzymes & Reagents, Bioprocessing & Contract Fermentation, Bulk Enzymes, State - Site System, LER ( Liquid Enzymatic Reagents )
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| SIC code 2835
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Products : Biomedical Equipment, Chlamydia Trachomatis Assay, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Direct Test, AccuPROBE� Culture Identification Reagent Kit, Fungal Identification
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| SIC code 2819 NAICS code 325998
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Products : Industrial Enzymes, Biodegradable Enzymes, Bleach-Stable Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Cellulase, Industrial Biotechnology, Desizing Enzymes, Denim Finishing Enzymes, Grain Processing Enzymes, Glucoamylases, Cellulases, Proteases, Biocatalysts, ISO9002
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| SIC code 3845 NAICS code 334510
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Products : Implantable Medical, Biopharmaceutical Therepies, Intracranial Monitoring, Neuroendoscopy, Neurosurgical Shunts, Neurosurgical Instruments, Dural Grafts, Medical Devices, Implants, Biomaterials, Hospital Equipment & Supplies, Surgeons Supplies
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| SIC code 2835 NAICS code 325413
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Products : Culture Media, Custom Media, Cytogenetics, Amniostat and Mycotrim, Reproductive Media and Reagents, Bovine Products, Animal Sera, Human Products, Human Serum, Horse Serum, Liquid Media, Powdered Media, Antibiotics, Biochemicals, Pre-Natal
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| SIC code 2835 NAICS code 325413
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Products : Biomedical Research Products, Media Serum, Reagents, Enzymes, Kits, Cloning, SuperScript, First Strand, Synthesis RT-PCR System, Lipofectamine 2000, Molecular Beacons, Electrophoresis Documentation & Analysis, Fetal Bovine Serum, PCR, Bio-Technology R&D
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| SIC code 2835 NAICS code 325413
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Products : Develops & Markets High Quality Diagnostic Test Kits for the Detection of Infectious Diseases Diagnostics, Immunodiagnostic Test Kits, Purified Reagents & Related Products
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| SIC code 2836 NAICS code 325414
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Products : Life Sciences, Biotechnology Research, Biochemicals, Molecular Biology Reagents, Radiochemicals, Immunobiologicals, Cell Biology & Media Reagents, Peptides & Protein Products, Neuroscience Signal Transduction, Electrophoresis, Diagnostics, Apotosis
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| SIC code 2836 NAICS code 325414
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Products : Pharmaceuticals - Hepatitis B Immune Globulin ( Human ), Immune Globulin Intravenous ( Human ), Allopurinol Sodium for Injection, Diagnostics - Seroconverter Panels, Reactive & Non Reactive Plasma, External Run Controls, Antibody Plasma, Plasma Products
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| SIC code 5122 NAICS code 42221
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Products : Medical Diagnostic Test Kits, Therapeutic Drugs, Toxicology Applications, Chemistry Applications, Q.E.D. � Saliva Alcohol Test Drugs, Wart Treatment Drugs, Micro-Plate EIA Assays, Portable Cryosurgical Systems