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| SIC code 3356 NAICS code 331491
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Products : Coaxial Cable Manufacturer, Plenum Cable, High Temperature Cable, Teflon Cable, Teflon Wire, High Temperature Wire, Electronic Wire, Electronic Cable, Electric Cable, Electric Wire, Thermocouple Cable, Custom Design Cable
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| SIC code 3826 NAICS code 334516
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Products : Acquisition Systems, Seismic Sources, Sensors, Designer & Manufacturer of High Quality Geophones, Hydrophones, Seismometers, Geophysical Equipment, Cables & Connectors
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| SIC code 3357 NAICS code 335921
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Products : Optical Fiber Cable, Fusion Splicers and Equipment, Interconnect Assemblies and Components, Futureflex Air-Blown, Fiber Managerment Systems, OEM Backplane Switching Interconnect, Fiber-To-The-Home Business Solutions, Enterprise Premise Lan-Wan Solutions
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| SIC code 4841 NAICS code 51321
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Products : Foreign Cable Network Services, Korean American Broadcast Network, The Korean Channel, TKCTV, Korean Language Television, New York Korean Chennel, TKC